Location: Hofsós, Iceland
Year: 2010
Area: 400 m2
Client: Steinunn Jónsdóttir, Lilja Pámadóttir
Awards: Concrete Award 2011, DV Award 2011, Mies van der Rohe award 2010 – nomination
Hofsós Geothermal Pool is delicately integrated into the landscape, cutting itself into the site and opening up towards the view of the ocean and the island of Drangey. The building and the landfill against the gables creates protection against both the strong northern wind as well as from disturbance from the road and the surrounding village. The building complex contains changing facilities, swimming pool and two jacuzzis. The main construction of the building is in situ cast concrete, clad with industrial glazing elements. The industrial glazing is translucent, allowing daylight to flood through but without being transparent. This gives a special experience and comfort in the changing rooms. Icelandic hand-made stones are used as flooring. The exterior lighting is minimized to experience the stars and northern lights which are frequent in this area during wintertime.
The swimming pool is a donation from Steinunn Jónsdóttir and Lilja Pálmadóttir to the municipality of Hofsós.
Design team:
Jóhann Harðarsson, Marcos Zotes, Rósa Dögg Þorsteinsdóttir, Sigríður Sigþórsdóttir, Stefanía Sigfúsdóttir
Engineering: Verkís
Contractor: SS verktakar
Photo Credits: Guðmundur Benediktsson, Rafn Sigurbjörnsson